
Nice to Meet You
Each year we’re flooded with movies to see, shows to binge, books to read and stories to experience. How do we keep track of it all?
The ScreenPlayas vow to rise for the occasion. I’m Michael R Gonzalez, just a guy from a dull cow town (thank goodness for Netflix) and the creator of ScreenPlayas. In addition to my love for stories, I’m fascinated by the way that many of us develop a passionate love for stories, while just as many others are instinctively put off by what they perceive as “geek-culture.”
To this day, I haven’t persuaded my sister (an obsessive bookworm, mind you) to experience the Harry Potter novels that I’ve read so many times. I’ll get to her someday, I know she’s a fan in the making.
In the meantime, my goal at ScreenPlayas is to “ungeekify the geekosphere.” I believe that there is a reason we love our stories so much, and I wish for everyone (or, at least, as many as possible) to enjoy them as much as I do.
I look forward to many years of sharing news, artwork and motivation from our on-screen (or on-page) heroes. Join the party by subscribing via E-mail to receive articles directly to your inbox (I won’t flood it, promise!) or find ScreenPlayas on Instagram and Facebook! My other website can be found at https://www.michaelrgonzalez.com/
To begin this journey, I’ll quote one of my childhood mentors, Bilbo Baggins: “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
Upcoming Projects
In addition to being a content writer and pop-culture enthusiast, I’m also an aspiring novelist.
My debut novel features the discovery of a deep, massive cave…and an expedition gone entirely awry.
My debut novel is currently in its early research stage. Stay tuned for future developments!

If you wish to contact me, please use the contact me page.
I in no way claim rights in the artwork displayed herein. Copyrights and trademarks for the books, films, shows, programs, articles, merchandise and other promotional materials are held by their respective owners and our limited use of these materials is done by permission or is allowed under the fair use clause of the Copyright Act.