When I heard of the passing of Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman, it hit me like a ton of bricks. In a year fraught with sadness, anxiety, violence, and divisiveness one thing seemed to remain constant.
The heroes in stories that we sought for comfort – whether through books, movies, shows – they seemed to always be there, waiting to sweep us into their world. Motivational figures that they were, they were as invincible and untouchable as they were larger than life. These figures provided solace for the many whose lives were upended by this difficult year.

The loss of Chadwick Boseman brought this illusion crashing down on me and split it open. It was a reminder that we never know what kinds of battles someone is struggling with, behind closed doors. Furthermore, it’s a reminder that even those heroes we revere are not as immune or untouchable as they once seemed.
Black Panther was one of my favorite movie-going experiences.
An elderly lady next to me, whom I’d never met, was audibly expressing her excitement throughout the film – laughing, cheering, gasping. When the credits rolled she turned to me joyfully and told me that it was her third viewing of the film – except that this time she had brought her grandkids to see it. But only after having spent the day teaching them Black Panther, showing them her collection of 70’s Marvel comics. It reminded me of the important role that this character plays in the cultural landscape, perhaps more so than most of his other MCU counterparts.
Fast-Forward to the opening weekend of Avengers: Endgame, when I experienced the most fun I’ve ever had in a movie. (Endgame spoiler alert) At the most climactic moment in the film, when hope seemed lost, a spark gave way to a portal – revealing none other than Boseman’s Black Panther, with the most reassuring expression on his face.

Upon seeing this, viewers around me stood up, cheering and celebrating in unison, as if in a concert. Never had I seen a reaction like this in a movie screening before. That it was a work of fiction didn’t matter at this point in time. The world just felt like a safe place, and the joy of this moment reverberated across the screening room.
This memory is meaningful to me not just as a Marvel fan, but because in retrospect, it was one of the last few times I got to experience such collective joy in escapism with a room full of strangers. Right then and there, we were all in it together – celebrating these characters from our childhoods appearing to come to life.
One year later, and the world is a place so different and unrecognizable from the one described above.
And it’s one without Chadwick Boseman, one of the shining stars of those on-screen heroes that mean so much to so many.
This year has brought entirely new kinds of hardships. It has been confusing, stressful, and oftentimes sad to see such things spiral out of our control.
To anyone feeling this way, remember to go easy on yourself. Practice your self care routines, spoil yourself, and get lost in your favorite stories for a bit. The real world will still be here when you come back.
Until next time, may you all walk among your heroes, find your hidden treasures, and know deep inside that you’re amazing.
Wakanda Forever, my friends.